
What is ITEZ.SG?
Founded in 2021, ITEZ.SG is an exciting and innovative start-up wholly-owned by SGX-listed Challenger Technologies Limited. ITEZ.SG is an online platform th...
Mon, 14 Nov, 2022 at 3:38 PM
How does ITEZ.SG works?
ITEZ.SG offers subscription plans of up to 24 months for tech products, including laptops, tablets, smartphones and more. Visit here for more information.
Thu, 24 Feb, 2022 at 12:59 PM
Who is eligible to subscribe to our plan on ITEZ.SG?
Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident who is at least 18 years old with a qualified credit score is eligible.
Thu, 24 Feb, 2022 at 12:58 PM
Why does ITEZ.SG requires my national identification number?
The national identification number provided will allow us to conduct checks on your credit score and instantly determine if your transaction can be supporte...
Thu, 24 Feb, 2022 at 1:00 PM
Do I need to place a deposit?
No, consumers do not have to place a deposit with ITEZ.SG to sign up or subscribe to any plan. There will be no processing fee, no admin fees, mark-ups or h...
Thu, 24 Feb, 2022 at 1:01 PM
How can I contact you?
If you have any enquiries, please reach out to us via WhatsAapp at +6587573303 or submit a ticket here.
Wed, 10 Jul, 2024 at 3:30 PM
What are the requirements to subscribe to a plan on ITEZ.SG?
In order to subscribe to the IT Subscription Plan, you must meet the following requirements: Nationality Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident ...
Thu, 21 Sep, 2023 at 2:31 PM